There are so many questions relating to the current COVID wedding restrictions for Queensland. In particular, for the Redland City and surrounding council areas. Based on current information and effective as of August, 2020, if you are looking to get married then guess what… YOU CAN!
There are just some COVID wedding restrictions in place that may or may not limit where you were wanting to have your ceremony.

The best option currently, due to COVID wedding restrictions is to have your ceremony and reception at a venue that has a COVID Safe Industry Plan that way you are not restricted with number of guests. You will need to abide by the particular venue’s COVID Safe Plan.
Now, a few of you are asking, does or can a marriage celebrant have a COVID Safe Plan? Good question! Unfortunately, the answer is not favourable….
As a marriage celebrant is a person offering a service and a celebrant is not a venue, we are not entitled under the Approved COVID Safe Industry Plans. However, as mentioned previously, we can still marry you on the proviso of the following:
if getting married in your backyard or a public space (ie: local park), then your guest list is restricted to 10 people in total, inclusive of celebrant and marrying couple
the venue you choose has a COVID Safe Industry Plan
With the Queensland border currently being closed, I have found that this has limited marrying couples in relation to their guest lists anyway.
I have had the privilege and honour of marrying quite a few couples during the COVID wedding restrictions period and the ceremonies have certainly been not only intimate but very special.
Guests are opting to marry now and then choosing to have a party at a later stage with their original guest list. Couples are also being innovative and using live stream at their ceremonies for their guests that are unable to attend due to COVID wedding restrictions.
So…in summary, anything is possible! You can certainly marry your partner and no doubt it will certainly be unforgettable in more ways than one if you marry in 2020.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss your pending ceremony and how I can ensure it is everything you would love and more. I can provide you with assistance on venues for your special day as I have the privilege of being the preferred celebrant for many iconic venues within the Redlands, Bay Islands and surrounds.